Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Jesus in Esther?!?

After reading the Biblical book of Esther, I went back through my study Bible and read the introduction of the book. It mentions simple things, such as: possible author, date of writing, purpose of writing, etc. I then found a note in the introduction that compared Queen Esther to Jesus. After thinking about it, I also see that connection. When Esther was crowned as Queen she had a lot of power that was given to her by the king. When she learned that Haman was going to start a war to wipe out all of the Jews, this frightened her, after all she was Jewish. Right then and there, she had a choice; she could either try to save her people, or keep quiet and live with the fact that her people were destroyed. As the book of Esther mentions, she went to the king without acquiring permission before hand to enter his presence, which was punishable by death, to ask him to have a feast with her and Haman. It was at this feast where she would explain to the king that she, herself, was Jewish, and that Haman was going to destroy her people for selfish reasons. Luckily for her, the king loved her more than Haman and he ordered the destruction to stop and to have Haman and his sons killed. Jews and Christians would argue that God watched over Esther, and it was he, through Esther, that saved the Jews. With this being said, Esther is like Jesus because she, like Jesus, had to make a sacrifice to save her people. Esther chose to put her life on the line by telling the king she was Jewish at the feast. It would have been nothing for the king to kill her for the fact she was Jewish and that the kingdom (and surrounding kingdoms) were going to wipe out the Jews. Esther also put her life on the line by entering the kings presence without permission, she could have easily been killed for disobeying the law. Thus, Esther was like Jesus because she made sacrifices and was willing to lay her life on the line for the Jews; Jesus, in the same sort of way according to the Bible, sacrificed himself for the salvation of both the Jews and Gentiles. For these reasons, Esther models Jesus.

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